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Revealing Florbela Espanca: Exploring the Poetic Universe of Portugal's Empowered Muse

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Poetry, Passion and Alentejo

Delight in the mesmerizing fascination of the Alentejo, where the great Florbela Espanca found solace and inspiration. Explore this enchanting region and connect with the genius of the Poetess. Our carefully selected Tour offers a unique opportunity to explore the landscapes that have sparked your imagination.

Uncover the heart of her multifaceted literary brilliance, where dreams dance with reality, and the lines between identities fade. Come with us as we decipher the mystery of Florbela Espanca, inviting you to immerse yourself in the profound elegance and intellectual richness of her literary heritage.


Alentejo: where poetry and landscape come together

Alentejo: where poetry and landscape come together

To Love

Katia Guerreiro - Fado singer
PhotoKatia Guerreiro
Recited byKatia Guerreiro
Curated byKatia Guerreiro - Fado singerThis was the first fado I sang in my life. Dazzled by the intensity of words, the pure truth of feelings, it was with this fado that I ventured to use my voice for the first time in this musical register. Florbela Espanca is one of my favorite authors in poetry. I revisit it many times. I want to love, love madly!


I want to love, to be lost in love!
To love just to love: Here... there...
This one, that one, another one,
Everyone! To love and not love anyone!

Remember? Forget? It's all the same!...
Hold on or let go? Wrong? Or right?
Those who say they can love someone
Their whole life long are telling a lie!

There is in every life a Spring.
When it flowers, it must be sung.
The voice God gave us is for singing!

If I must come to ashes, dust,
Nothing, then let my night be a dawn
And let me be lost... to find myself...

Florbela Espanca

In the Footsteps ofFlorbela Espanca


The bust of Florbela, in marble, by the sculptor Raul Xavier, with a plinth by the architect Raul David, was inaugurated in May 1964 (on the 70th anniversary of Florbela's birth), in the garden known as Mata Municipal de Vila Viçosa, next to the bandstand.

It was later transferred to Avenida Bento de Jesus Caraça, where it still stands.


The portico, in black marble, was built in the exact spot of the front door of the house where Florbela was born.

The house was located on Rua André Angerino, but was demolished, along with others built there, due to the urban intervention of the Estado Novo, carried out in the 1940s.

This symbolic memorial was overseen by the Architect Helder Soeiro and his team, professionals at the service of the Municipality of Vila Viçosa, chaired by Engineer Luís Roma.

Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Conceição

It is in this Sanctuary that you can find the image that, in 1646, was declared Patroness of Portugal.

The year of construction is uncertain, but the current building is the result of a renovation that took place during the reign of D. Sebastião, between 1569 and 1606.

It is there that you will find the font where Florbela was baptized, with the name Flor Bela Lobo. Later, she adopted the name Florbela d’Alma da Conceição Espanca, chosen by her as an expression of a suffering soul and a tumultuous life.

Florbela Espanca's House

The house where Florbela Espanca lived most of her life is located in the center of Vila Viçosa, more precisely at nº 59. It is a house measuring 240 square metres, with 3 floors and a garden.

It is being recovered with the aim of becoming a contemporary space for creation, which is intended to honor the great Poet.

Some furniture and objects belonging to Florbela's daily life are on display, as well as books, letters, postcards and other documents.

Monte Pharmacy

Inaugurated in 1912 by António Victor do Monte, a pharmacist from Redondo, it is now a historic space, full of pieces used for the production of medicines, which allow you to recreate the atmosphere experienced in the early 20th century.

It was there that Florbela's father, João Maria Espanca, organized lively gatherings.


Florbela Espanca committed suicide on December 8, 1930, in Matosinhos, on the day of the year in which she was born.

In 1964, her body was transferred to a tomb, which is found at the entrance to the Vila Viçosa cemetery, commissioned by the Group of Friends of Vila Viçosa.

House in Redondo

Florbela married Alberto Moutinho in 1913 and lived in Redondo between 1914 and 1916, at Rua Manuel Joaquim da Silva 9A.

The first record of her in Redondo dates from January 2, 1914.

It was here that the Poet gathered part of her poetic work, in the project “Trocando Olhares”.

Évora Public Library

Évora Public Library, which Florbela would have frequented, was created in 1805, by order of Friar Manuel do Cenáculo, who left a valuable bibliographical collection here, estimated at the time at 50,000 volumes.

In the context of the celebrations of World Poetry Day, the Library began to make available, on its website www.evora.net/bpe, the Florbela estate, including 24 letters written by her to Guido Battelli, with the express indication that they should only be opened 11 years after his death, a notebook with 18 poems, and the 1st edition of the Book of Soror Saudade.

Colégio do Espírito Santo - Évora University

The construction of the Colégio do Espírito Santo began in 1550. The works were still in progress and Cardinal D. Henrique had already requested from Rome that the College become a University. And with the consent of Pope Paul IV, expressed in 1559, so it was.

Highlights include the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, the Octagon “Centro do Mundo”, with tiles representing the Four Elements and the Sala das Bellas Artes, from the 17th century.

Florbela was one of the first women in Portugal to attend a secondary school here, where she stayed until 1912.



The bust of Florbela, in marble, by the sculptor Raul Xavier, with a plinth by the architect Raul David, was inaugurated in May 1964 (on the 70th anniversary of Florbela's birth), in the garden known as Mata Municipal de Vila Viçosa, next to the bandstand.

It was later transferred to Avenida Bento de Jesus Caraça, where it still stands.

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